Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
The impressive underground church of St.

Originally shared by null
The impressive underground church of St. Barbara, built 240 meters below the earth from miners and is made of salt !
In an underground cave in Tirgu in Romania is the impressive church of Santa Barbara.
The church of St. Barbara is in Pillar, the ninth level of the mine.
Completed in December 1992 and was the first church from salt in Europe.
Source photo :
Friday, July 15, 2016
The question becomes, are you an enemy of the Rule of Constitutional law and order?

The question becomes, are you an enemy of the Rule of Constitutional law and order? As are many Cops who practice TAXATION by Citation, in violation of their Oath, Due Process, Equal Justice Under The Law, and The Constitution for The United States of America.
“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
Originally shared by Healthy Food Care
“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
Although everyone knows of their nutritional value, not many know that Chia seeds were also used as a currency because of their value. These seeds have been around for over thousands of years. The Chia seeds (Latin: Salvia hi...
#seeds #chiaseeds #cancer #coloncancer #healthbenefits #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #health
“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
Although everyone knows of their nutritional value, not many know that Chia seeds were also used as a currency because of their value. These seeds have been around for over thousands of years. The Chia seeds (Latin: Salvia hi...
#seeds #chiaseeds #cancer #coloncancer #healthbenefits #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #health
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
The Real Reason You're Circumcised - Adam Ruins Everything
Originally shared by IamChattyCathy
Government, Extortion, and You | Heretical Opinions...
Originally shared by IamChattyCathy|1468447314099|142639|1881...|1468447314099|142639|1881590|d119fe1a-f05a-4b6f-a7bf-ab90963a7742|-KMaGxNTGt0jDHWn294m|-KMaGxNM23YIflBqs4pf|x|3326|4890|1166|8261|0.2|538a9595975112aaf16f4e55deac85ac&utm_campaign=07bilb&utm_source=spout
Two Different Tax Codes?
Did You Know There Are Two Different Tax Codes?
That’s right… Two different tax codes. One filled with tax breaks and special discounts for the wealthy… and one tax code filled with landmines and tripwires for the rest of us.
It’s absolutely true.
Take a quick look at the IRS website. You won’t find a single mention of the Billionaire tax code… But it’s there.
Two Different Tax Codes?
Did You Know There Are Two Different Tax Codes?
That’s right… Two different tax codes. One filled with tax breaks and special discounts for the wealthy… and one tax code filled with landmines and tripwires for the rest of us.
It’s absolutely true.
Take a quick look at the IRS website. You won’t find a single mention of the Billionaire tax code… But it’s there.
Ancient Machine Used to Protect Great Pyramid Pharaoh in His Afterlife Revealed

Originally shared by Before It's News
Ancient Machine Used to Protect Great Pyramid Pharaoh in His Afterlife Revealed
Both in life and the afterlife, protection was essential for the pharaohs. An Egyptologist studying Giza for the last 30 years says that devices were put in place at the Great pyramid in an attempt to protect the tomb of Khufu. The series of grooves and blocks have been described as a “primitive machine”.
This security system is the subject of a special episode of the Science Channel's “Unearthed” program which is airing at 10pm EST on July 12, 2016.
Live Science describes the means of protection as “a series of grooves and blocks that are hidden beneath the walls of the pyramid.” They write that “scholars have known about this system since at least the 19th century, [however] the TV show uses computer animations to present a reconstruction. The animations show how blocks were dropped down grooves near the King's Chamber after the pharaoh' burial.” Egyptologist Mark Lehner leads the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) and describes the mechanisms in more detail for those who watch the episode.
Members of the public will no longer be allowed to access video obtained by law enforcement officers in North...
Originally shared by Infowars - Alex Jones Channel
Members of the public will no longer be allowed to access video obtained by law enforcement officers in North Carolina, under a new bill recently passed into law.
Members of the public will no longer be allowed to access video obtained by law enforcement officers in North Carolina, under a new bill recently passed into law.
The Pentagon gets a new ‘Psyops’ contractor
Originally shared by The Event Handbook
The Pentagon gets a new ‘Psyops’ contractor
The Pentagon gets a new ‘Psyops’ contractor
The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red...
Originally shared by IamChattyCathy
The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red Cross to give blood and money to help victims and families of the 'terrorist' attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions upon millions of dollars to the Red Cross. The first question that occurred to me when the Red Cross started asking for blood was: "Blood for whom?". Everyone was dead! We knew everyone was dead from the very beginning, so why is the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for about a week or more?
The answer is reflective of the true purpose of the the Red Cross: the Red Cross is a disaster racket which is in the business of making money from disasters-especially from engineered disasters. They sell the blood, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things which the public is generally not privy to.
And what do they do with the money? For the most part, they keep it for themselves! Recall how the families of the victims of 911 had to badger, harass, and threaten the Red Cross in an attempt to get some 11 million dollars that they would not release to the families-even a year later? And that's what we were told in the media, but how much money did the Red Cross really rake in from 9-11?
The CEO of the Red Cross and other corporate celebrities receive obscene salaries and other big buck perks, while other charities operate on much leaner budgets for use by the charity itself. As I type this short article, I now check my e-mail and find 4 or 5 articles devoted to precisely the same topic, so in order to save time, I'll let others finish the story for me:
The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red Cross to give blood and money to help victims and families of the 'terrorist' attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions upon millions of dollars to the Red Cross. The first question that occurred to me when the Red Cross started asking for blood was: "Blood for whom?". Everyone was dead! We knew everyone was dead from the very beginning, so why is the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for about a week or more?
The answer is reflective of the true purpose of the the Red Cross: the Red Cross is a disaster racket which is in the business of making money from disasters-especially from engineered disasters. They sell the blood, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things which the public is generally not privy to.
And what do they do with the money? For the most part, they keep it for themselves! Recall how the families of the victims of 911 had to badger, harass, and threaten the Red Cross in an attempt to get some 11 million dollars that they would not release to the families-even a year later? And that's what we were told in the media, but how much money did the Red Cross really rake in from 9-11?
The CEO of the Red Cross and other corporate celebrities receive obscene salaries and other big buck perks, while other charities operate on much leaner budgets for use by the charity itself. As I type this short article, I now check my e-mail and find 4 or 5 articles devoted to precisely the same topic, so in order to save time, I'll let others finish the story for me:
Originally shared by Cindy Brown
Pentagon Approves U.N. Use Of Force Against Civilians
Originally shared by The Event Handbook
Pentagon Approves U.N. Use Of Force Against Civilians
Pentagon Approves U.N. Use Of Force Against Civilians
[Just another Snake 'charity' to make money, collect infected blood, collect intelligence, and be a blood source for...
Originally shared by IamChattyCathy
[Just another Snake 'charity' to make money, collect infected blood, collect intelligence, and be a blood source for our vampires.]

[Just another Snake 'charity' to make money, collect infected blood, collect intelligence, and be a blood source for our vampires.]

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
New Study Links Prenatal BPA Exposure to Obesity in Young Girls

Originally shared by Before It's News
New Study Links Prenatal BPA Exposure to Obesity in Young Girls
BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make plastics and resins since the 1960’s. It’s an endocrine disruptor that mimics estrogen, and it has been linked to breast cancer, obesity, infertility, early puberty in girls, and increased risk for diabetes.
BPA has also been linked to depression and hyperactivity in girls whose mothers were exposed to the chemical during pregnancy. A new study sheds more light on the potential harm posed by prenatal BPA exposure, but this time the research focuses on the substance’s influence on body weight.
Researchers from Columbia University, Johns Hopkins, and the CDC tracked 369 mother-child pairs from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy until the children reached age 7. BPA levels in the mothers’ urine during pregnancy were measured. The height, weight, waist circumference, and body fat of the children as they aged were also measured, as well as their BPA levels.
The team found measurable levels of BPA in the blood of 94% of the pregnant women in the study. Frighteningly, the higher the mother’s BPA exposure was during pregnancy, the more signs of obesity (based on waist circumference compared with height) the girls showed at age 7.
Please Follow:- Interesting Things

Originally shared by Interesting Things
Please Follow:- Interesting Things
Monday, July 11, 2016
Off-Grid Eco-Village Pilot Community
Originally shared by Aztec Renewable Energy, Inc
Off-Grid Eco-Village Pilot Community
This Dutch town being built just outside of Amsterdam will grow its own food, live off-grid, and handle its own waste.
The California-based developer, ReGen Villages, wants to harness the power of today's technology to create "off-grid capable neighbourhoods" that provide the comforts of a regular modern lifestyle, but which are entirely self-reliant and sustainable: growing their own food, generating their own energy, managing waste locally, and recycling water.
The idea is that by combining sustainable farming and land management with an independently run tech infrastructure, ReGen Villages will be "power positive", effectively generating surplus energy that can be fed back into surrounding electricity grids, and growing about half of all the food the inhabitants eat.
If the Dutch village is a success, CEO James Ehrlich says he expects to roll the sustainable communities across the cool climates of Northern Europe, and then expand into the Middle East.
Read More:
#sustainability #offgrid #solarenergy #community #futuretech
Off-Grid Eco-Village Pilot Community
This Dutch town being built just outside of Amsterdam will grow its own food, live off-grid, and handle its own waste.
The California-based developer, ReGen Villages, wants to harness the power of today's technology to create "off-grid capable neighbourhoods" that provide the comforts of a regular modern lifestyle, but which are entirely self-reliant and sustainable: growing their own food, generating their own energy, managing waste locally, and recycling water.
The idea is that by combining sustainable farming and land management with an independently run tech infrastructure, ReGen Villages will be "power positive", effectively generating surplus energy that can be fed back into surrounding electricity grids, and growing about half of all the food the inhabitants eat.
If the Dutch village is a success, CEO James Ehrlich says he expects to roll the sustainable communities across the cool climates of Northern Europe, and then expand into the Middle East.
Read More:
#sustainability #offgrid #solarenergy #community #futuretech
Exceptionally Large Animals That Really Do Exist!

Originally shared by Julita Stachowiak
Exceptionally Large Animals That Really Do Exist! The title of largest moth in the world goes to the Hercules Moth, which are endemic to New Guinea and northern Australia. The insects have a wingspan of 27 cm., which is over 10 inches wide.
Originally shared by Justin Case
by Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D.
#wecanseeradiation #EPA #NRC #stopthemadness
by Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D.
#wecanseeradiation #EPA #NRC #stopthemadness
Please Follow:- Interesting Things

Originally shared by Interesting Things
Please Follow:- Interesting Things
Please Follow:- Interesting Things

Originally shared by Interesting Things
Please Follow:- Interesting Things
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Science once again proving that we are far more alike than we are not.

Originally shared by Brian Holler
Science once again proving that we are far more alike than we are not. Our differences are important but they should never distract or disrupt us to the point that we forget that our humanity should always come first.
#believe #love #together #atoms #energy #universe #equality
Originally shared by Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Portals are found in many books, movies and video games.
Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)
Portals are found in many books, movies and video games. Some of them are links between distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones lead into different dimensions.
Most people presume that these gateways exist only in the realm of science fiction, but there are some who strongly support the idea that portals have been opened in ancient times and quite possibly in the present days as well:
Portals are found in many books, movies and video games. Some of them are links between distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones lead into different dimensions.
Most people presume that these gateways exist only in the realm of science fiction, but there are some who strongly support the idea that portals have been opened in ancient times and quite possibly in the present days as well:
Friday, July 1, 2016
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Originally shared by null U.S. is a private, foreign, bankrupt Corporation in CITY OF LONDON, and we wonder why the Courts, Cops, and Banks ...
Arrest fbi assassins and their associates in crime By residual authority invested in me as a former Special Agent of the fbi (who was illega...