Originally shared by H George Tavakoli
To begin with, oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a theory put forth by 18th century scientists. Within 50 years, Germany and France's scientists had attacked the theory of petroleum's biological roots. In fact, oil is abiotic, not the product of long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all about it. In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian scientists, cut off from the Western World's oil supply, applied their keen minds to the problem and, by the 1960s, had thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is it any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading producers and exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War forced Russia to dig deeper, literally, to find oil deeper in the earth in some places, and to look in other places where no one had thought to look to reveal more. This while America feels incumbent upon itself, since it claims oil production and discovery has peaked and will fade to nothing in several decades, that America's feels it must make war to take other people's oil: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the Caspian Basin, Sudan, etcetera. And to others who have oil, it must either rattle its saber, as with Venezuela, threaten to kill its president who will not buckle and sell all his oil to America. And with the Saudis we will protect them from their own terrorists and any Saddam that comes along. And we will get in bed with them so long as we can have the lion's share of their oil, and the say-so as to who gets the rest. And therein lays the evil genius, secret and sham of the 'Peak Oil' put on. If oil, as coal, and natural gas, restores itself by nature, if we will more likely run into it then out of it, how do we continue to make money on it? Certainly not by giving oil away at some reasonable price. After World War II, oil was about 25 cents a gallon at the pump. Even given the spiraling inflation since then-last week I paid $3.50 a gallon for it in New York City, 14 times that price. A week after the summer holiday season ended (the peak usage season), oil is down to $3 a gallon. I doubt if I'm the only one who notices oil's price shoot up every summer, then slither down a bit after, and then climb up in the middle of the winter when the heating bills waft in, and old and poor people who can't afford the hikes begin to freeze and die in their own homes. Someone is shilling for the American petro-brokers, because 'Peak Oil' is a wonderful concept to use to go out and war for "the control" of oil resources. So that a barrel of crude can suddenly jump from $20 to $70 to $100 a barrel, or to two, three or four hundred dollars a barrel, therefore providing exponentially expanding profits for oil companies and oil suppliers who relish the idea of having an "inelastic demand" for their gasoline. 'Peak Oil,' as writer Dave McGowan points out in his priceless Newsletters, which you can find at Educate-Yourself.org, 'Peak Oil' will even drive oil companies like Shell, to attempt to shut down an incredibly profitable facility, like the one it owns in Bakersfield, California,. This Bakersfield facility, like others in California, runs along the San Andreas fault line, which abounds along its route through the state with rich crude oil and natural gas fields, products of seepage from the earth's mantle, from the tectonic plates, as Dave would say, 'passing gas' and rumbling as they move. In fact, oil and the family of hydrocarbons are often found at volcanoes and fault lines, as they are in deserts, watery gulfs, and sea basins. Let's demystify it all. The real reason a company like Shell Oil would close a facility like Bakersfield-to bulldoze it, stop it-is to halt the production, refining, and supply to drive up the price of oil. It's that goddamn simple and ugly. And we're doing the same thing today in Iraq, bulldozing a country, to control and reduce its oil supply. Never mind supplying a botched democracy that we can't even supply for ourselves in America. Concurrently, we are also bringing apocalypse to its population, thinning it with more than 100,000 dead, tearing its infrastructure apart, water, sewage, power, media, hospitals, name it. We are decentralizing Iraq's cities, driving people out of them or out of the country, or bombing them back to the Stone Age as our generals are so found of saying. And Iraq, like Afghanistan, is the paradigm of the future, of how we will engulf and devour countries, cities, even our own, like New Orleans for instance, whose Gulf is a rich source of oil, and through whose ports pass a large percentage of our nation's supply. The U.S. political henchmen are thinning the Iraq population to fatten the profits of the oil barons like David Rockefeller. I
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