1) For every couple only 2 children, a boy and a girl.
2) No more genetical disease.
3) Gradual racial convergence.
Genom editing, will be done, replacing genes between humans only.
Let there be no more racial differences in the 100.000 standart cities, but let there be every living human having unique Genom, and unique name.
For the unique name, in the unit community of 600+ population, the first name is sufficient.
The following names will be for the upper locations involved.
My mission is to establish Love-Society on Earth, with foursome-families, 4 siblings of two males and two females to be mates of each other by birth, on the basis of Socialist-economy, as projected by the center of the secret-world-state, the mission-maker.
[February 15, 2017]
DNA editing likely to be approved in the future - report https://www.rt.com/usa/377357-dna-editing-likely-approved-future/
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